I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go #270
Take a listen or read the lyrics in the link above if you like.
It stuck out as a beautiful missionary song (which I'm always looking for), but it also seemed so applicable to my family right now! The first verse reads "It may not be on a mountain height or over the stormy sea... my Lord will have need of me." The thing is, God has called my family "over the stormy sea". We have moved to the Philippines for crying out loud, and yet my family has responded calmly to the call with "I'll go where you want me to go".
My parents are amazing. My brother is brave and outgoing. We are all still feeling a little bit rootless. Nothing seems certain yet, but we have faith that the Lord knows best for each of us.
I'm so excited for my mission as well! It's drawing close and the lyrics resonate with me as I prepare to respond to the call as a full time missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. :)